Camp Ondessank

Traditional Youth and Teen Overnight Camp

Camp Ondessonk provides youth ages 10-16 the opportunity to experience firsthand the beauty of God’s creation. Located in the Shawnee National Forest of Southern Illinois, Ondessonk’s summer camp programs include traditional camp, mini-camp, adventure camp, and equestrian camp. All of Camp’s programs focus on providing a fun and enriching experience for participants by encouraging them to participate in a wide variety of new and exciting activities.

Program Type: Overnight Camps
Ages Served: Teens, Youth
Season: Summer
Inclusive Specialized or Both: Inclusive

Camp Ondessank Website

Camp Ondessonk
3760 Ondessonk Road
Ozark, IL 62972

Phone: 618.695.2489
Toll Free: 877.659.2267
Fax: 618.695.3593
Email: [email protected]

Dream Big Teen Career Camp

Starkloff Institute

At the Starkloff Disability Institute, we help adults and youth with disabilities prepare for the next step in their professional life. Adults entering or already in the workforce have opportunities to build professional skills, network with business leaders, and find a job in their desired field. Youth can join programs and events that expose them to numerous career fields and help them build professional skills for the future. In the summer, we offer the DREAM BIG camp for teens to explore career options.

Service Area: St. Charles County, St. Louis City, St. Louis County
Program Type: Agencies/Organizations, Day Camps
Ages Served: Adults, Teens
Season: Year Round
Inclusive Specialized or Both: Not Applicable

(314) 588-7090

133 S. 11th Street, Suite 500
Saint Louis, MO 63102


Tim Tebow Foundation

Night To Shine

The Tim Tebow Foundation exists to bring Faith, Hope and Love to those needing a brighter day in their darkest hour of need. Our largest event is Night To Shine Formal Dance for individuals with disabilities. The dance happens worldwide in February and is sponsored by local churches and faith-based organizations.

Service Area: Missouri-Wide
Program Type: Social Groups & Family Support
Ages Served: Adults, Teens
Season: Winter
Inclusive Specialized or Both: Specialized

Tips to Find a Camp or Program

Use these handy guides to help you in the search for a program that best meets your needs:
Recreation Council’s Summer Camp and Program Tips
National Center on Physical Activity and Disability Camp Guide

Call the Recreation Council to talk to your Area Coordinator

Service Area: Missouri-Wide, St. Charles County, St. Louis City, St. Louis County
Program Type: Agencies/Organizations, Arts, Day Camps, Horseback Riding, Martial Arts, Gymnastics, Music, Overnight Camps, Performing Arts, Recreation, Social Groups & Family Support, Sports & Fitness, Technology, Travel & Outdoor Adventures
Ages Served: Adults, All Ages, Pre-School, Teens, Youth
Season: Fall, Spring, Summer, Winter, Year Round
Inclusive Specialized or Both: Not Applicable

Peggy Welker – St. Louis County – 314-726-6044 ext: 103
Carol Callahan – St. Charles County – 314-726-6044 ext: 104
Mindy Davis – St. Louis City – 314-726-6044 ext: 105

STAGES St. Louis, Performing Arts

Access The Arts Specialized Performing Arts Programs and Camps

STAGES Access the Arts programs consist of classes, workshops and performance opportunities that enable area youth with physical, cognitive or developmental delays to fully participate in the musical theatre arts. STAGES also offers inclusive year-round and summer day camp programs.

Service Area: St. Charles County, St. Louis City, St. Louis County
Program Type: Performing Arts
Ages Served: Adults, Teens, Youth
Season: Year Round
Inclusive Specialized or Both: Both

1023 Chesterfield Parkway East
Chesterfield, Missouri

UMSL Succeed Enrichment Camp

UMSL Succeed

The SUCCEED Summer Enrichment Camp provides students ages 17 to 22 the SUCCEED college experience. Students will stay overnight in Oak Hall, utilize a meal plan on campus, take various academic workshops, complete vocational training, and engage in recreational and traditional camp activities on campus.

Service Area: St. Charles County, St. Louis City, St. Louis County
Program Type: Overnight Camps
Ages Served: Adults, Teens
Season: Summer
Inclusive Specialized or Both: Specialized


113 Lucas Hall
1 University Blvd
St. Louis MO 63121-4400

Arya Foundation

The Arya Foundation Equipment and Family Support

The Arya Foundation is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit organization that provides funding for need-based adaptive equipment, tricycles, and toys to children with special needs in St. Louis.  We host an annual disability awareness family conference. 

Service Area: St. Charles County, St. Louis City, St. Louis County
Program Type: Agencies/Organizations, Social Groups & Family Support
Ages Served: Teens, Youth
Season: Year Round
Inclusive Specialized or Both: Specialized

Strength & Honor Mentoring & Tutoring

Strength & Honor Camp and After School

Strength and Honor offers mentoring and tutoring services throughout the year, plus an AWESOME youth summer camp. We recently started a FTC Robotics Team and are looking for young people ages 12-18 to join the team.

Service Area: St. Louis City, St. Louis County
Program Type: Day Camps, Social Groups & Family Support
Ages Served: Teens, Youth
Season: Summer, Year Round
Inclusive Specialized or Both: Inclusive

[email protected]

Ferguson Community Center
1050 Smith Avenue, Ferguson MO

Special Education Foundation

Special Education Foundation Camp Funding

The mission of the Special Education Foundation is to assist children with disabilities served by Special School District in St. Louis County achieve success in areas not supported by tax dollars or United Way. The “Kid-to-Camp” program is one of the Foundation’s most successful programs. Through this program, the Foundation provides financial assistance to parents so their child can attend summer camp.

Service Area: St. Louis County
Program Type: Agencies/Organizations, Overnight Camps, Social Groups & Family Support
Ages Served: Teens, Youth
Season: Year Round
Inclusive Specialized or Both: Specialized

[email protected]

11933 Westline Industrial Drive
St. Louis, MO 63146 – 3203

Youth Overnight Camp, Specialized Adult Week

Camp Mo-Val, United Church of Christ

Camp MoVal is located on 280 acres that includes beautiful forest, native prairie, streams and a lake. Facilities include a dining and meeting hall, four lakeside cabins, two retreat lodges, two rustic camping villages, high and low ropes courses, a boat and fishing dock, game and archery fields, hiking trails, and more. We offer inclusive youth summer camp, adult special needs camp, and family retreats.

Adventures in Community is a specialized camp week designed for adults ages 18+ with special needs, who are active and can independently care for their needs. Campers participate in most traditional camp activities including swimming, canoeing, crafts, fishing, games, karaoke, and more, as well as exploring our faith. Camp starts at 4pm on Sunday and ends Friday at 9am.

Service Area: Missouri-Wide
Program Type: Overnight Camps
Ages Served: Adults, Teens, Youth
Season: Summer
Inclusive Specialized or Both: Specialized

2659 Camp MoVal Rd.
Union MO 68084