Rec Providers / PIERS Quarterly Meeting

Thursday, May 8, 2025, 10:00 am-12 noon

Join us for a lovely spring day for our Spring Recreation Providers meeting.  We will meet out in the sunshine for networking and program sharing, and then explore the opportunities available at RYZE Adventure Park. Bring your lunch if you’d like to stay and enjoy the pavilion or observation deck. FLYER


Date: Thursday, May 8, 2025
Time: 10:00am-12 noon

Location: RYZE Adventure Park
12420 Grace Church Road
Maryland Heights, MO 63043

Agenda: 10-10:15am-Networking

10:15: Guest Speakers

  • Greg Hoffmann – RYZE Adventure Park
  • Chris Geden & Logan Faircloth – River City Outdoors
  • Other Adventure Providers

11:00: Program Sharing

11:30 am: Tour of RYZE. We invite you to stay and eat your lunch  at the venue. (lunch not provided)

RSVP using form below, by email at [email protected], or by phone at 314-726-6044 x104

Rec Providers Meeting RSVP-May 8, 2025 at RYZE Adventure Park

RSVP up for the Recreation Providers Quarterly meeting on Thursday, May 8 from 10am-12noon at Ryze Adventure Park in Maryland Heights.

There is no virtual option for this meeting.